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Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej
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  • The Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website by the provisions of the Law of April 4, 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. The statement on accessibility applies to the website of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression.

    - Website publication date: 2016-06-01

    - Date of the last significant update: 2019-06-19


    Status in terms of compliance with the law

    The website partially complies with the Law on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities due to the incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.


    Inaccessible content

    - Descriptions explaining the content of photographs are not always posted next to the images on a regular basis.


    Preparation of the accessibility declaration

    - The declaration was prepared on: 2021-01-15

    - The declaration was last reviewed and updated on: 2023-02-20

    The declaration was prepared based on a self-assessment and a study conducted by an external entity:


    9 Przyjaźni St,

    84-215 Gowino

    NIP [Tax Identification Number] 5882424318,

    REGON [Statistical Identification Number] 366309509

    Address to the report containing the result of the review, study, or audit on digital accessibility of the website or mobile application - Accessibility Report


    Feedback and contact information

    - Person responsible for handling comments and requests: Aleksandra Trzybińska.

    - E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    - Phone: 223367783

    Everyone has the right to:

    - comment on the digital availability of the site or its element;

    - request to ensure the digital availability of the site or its element;

    - request that the inaccessible information be made available in another alternative form.

    The request must include the following:

    - contact information of the person making the request,

    - an indication of the page or element of the page to which the request relates,

    - an indication of a convenient form of making the information available if the request concerns making the inaccessible information available in an alternative form.

    The request should be considered immediately, within seven days at the latest. If, within this period, it is not possible to provide accessibility or access in an alternative form, the consideration should take place within two months from the date of the request at the latest.


    Complaints and appeals

    Complaints about the failure to meet these deadlines and request recognition refusals can be submitted to the supervisory authority by mail or e-mail to:

    - Supervisory authority: Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression

    - Address: 2/4 Wspólna St.

    00-926 Warsaw

    - E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    - Phone: 222767777

    A complaint can also be submitted to the Ombudsman.


    Architectural accessibility


    General information

    1. The Reception Desk and the Information Desk (the point for serving the public and receiving correspondence) are located on the Office's premises at 2/4 Wspólna Street in Warsaw (the entrance to the Information Desk is from Żurawia Street).
    2. Parking spaces for people with disabilities are located near the property used by the Office (from Żurawia Street and Wspólna Street).
    3. It is possible to use the assistance of a sign language interpreter or a trained employee after prior notification of such a need in any form at least three working days before the planned date of contact and indication of the chosen method of communication (Polish Sign Language (PJM), sign language system (SJM) or the method of communication for deaf-blind persons (SKOGN)).
    4. It is possible to enter the building with an assistance dog.

    Description of the building's accessibility

    The facility located at 2/4 Wspólna St. has an entrance also from Żurawia St. (the entrance at 2 Wspólna St. has an automatic entrance door, the other entries are not equipped with an automatic door opening system).

    The entrance to the building from the ground level, ramps, gates, and elevators. The width of all doors, gates, and elevators allows wheelchair access.

    The Reception Desk is located on the first floor, and the Information Desk is located on the level of the so-called low first floor - the exit to the Desk is equipped with a specialized self-service elevator for people with disabilities. On each floor, at least one sanitary facility is fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The OWVVO's [UdSKiOR] office rooms are located on the first and third floors of the building and have doors whose width allows wheelchair access. There is an induction loop in the Office's conference room and reception area.



    - The website offers a possibility to change the background color, text, and font size (in the upper right corner of the screen, there are symbols illustrating an eye and the letters “A”).

    - Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

    - It is possible to contact a sign language interpreter online via Skype.

    Biuletyn Kombatant

    nr 2 (410) luty 2025



    Z głębokim smutkiem zawiadamiam,

    że 8 lutego 2025 roku zmarła



    Profesor Jadwiga Puzynina



    urodzona 29 stycznia 1928 roku w Rożyszczach, woj. wołyńskie.

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