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Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

The Council for Anticommunist Opposition Members and Victims of Oppression due to Political Reasons is an advisory body in matters relating to anticommunist opposition activists and victims of oppression due to political reasons, that cooperates with the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression.


Members of the Council are appointed and recalled by name by the Head of the Office from persons with a confirmed status of an anticommunist opposition member or a victim of oppression due to political reasons, ensuring the participation of representatives of various former anticommunist opposition organisations. The Members of the Council are appointed for a period defined by the Head of the Office performing his function.


The Council consists of 15 to 20 members, who perform their functions voluntarily and elect among themselves a chairman, his/her three deputies and a secretary.


The Council is entitled to:

  • evaluate the legislative initiatives undertaken by the Office;
  • support proposals regarding issues important for anticommunist opposition activists and victims of oppression due to political reasons.


The Council can also address appeals and requests to the national and local authorities.


The Council for Anticommunist Opposition Members and Victims of Oppression due to Political Reasons

Andrzej Anusz


Mr. Andrzej Anusz

Secretary of the Council

Wojciech Borowik


Mr. Wojciech Borowik

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Kazimierz Drzazga


 Mr. Kazimierz Drzazga

Zbigniew Fijak


Mr. Zbigniew Fijak

Joanna Frankiewicz


 Ms. Joanna Frankiewicz

Micha Janiszewski


 Mr. Michał Janiszewski

Andrzej Koodziej


Mr. Andrzej Kołodziej

Stanisaw Kowalski


Mr. Stanisław Kowalski

Ryszard Majdzik


  Mr. Ryszard Majdzik

Henryk Marczak


Mr. Henryk Marczak

Kornel Morawiecki


Mr. Kornel Morawiecki

Chairman of the Council

Iwona Olejniczak


Ms. Iwona Olejniczak

Antoni Piekakiewicz


Mr. Antoni Piekałkiewicz

Zofia Romaszewska


Ms. Zofia Romaszewska

Chairman of the Council

Andrzej Rozpochowski


Mr. Andrzej Rozpłochowski

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Andrzej Słowik



Mr. Andrzej Słowik

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Andrzej Sobieraj


Mr. Andrzej Sobieraj

Jerzy Stopa


Mr. Jerzy Stopa

Jan Wyrowinski


Mr. Jan Wyrowiński

Jerzy Zacharow


Mr. Jerzy Zacharow
Małgorzata Zwiercan Ms. Małgorzata Zwiercan


Biuletyn Kombatant

nr 1 (409) styczeń 2025



Z głębokim smutkiem zawiadamiam,

że 8 lutego 2025 roku zmarła



Profesor Jadwiga Puzynina



urodzona 29 stycznia 1928 roku w Rożyszczach, woj. wołyńskie.

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