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  • The Council for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression is an advisory body, that cooperates with the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression.


    Members of the Council are appointed by the Head of the Office from Veterans and Victims of Oppression, concerning the correct representation of all organisations. The Council consists of 12 to 15 members, who perform their functions voluntarily and elect among themselves a chairman, his deputies and a secretary.


    The Council is entitled to:

    • evaluate the legislative initiatives udertaken by the Office,
    • support proposals regarding issues important for Veterans and Victims of Oppression.

    The Council can also address appeals and requests to the society, Veterans organisations as well as the national and local authorities.


    The Council for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression


    Mr. Kordian Borejko

    President of the Executive Board of the Association of Siberian Deportees

    (Związek Sybiraków)


    Lt. Col. Zbigniew Galperyn

    Vice President of the Association of Warsaw Insurgents

    (Związek Powstańców Warszawskich)

    greenfield bikowska

    Ms. Janina Greenfield-Żbikowska

    Representing the Association of War Disabled Persons of the Republic of Poland 

    (Związek Inwalidów Wojennych RP)


    Mrs. President Karolina Kaczorowska

    Former First Lady of the Republic of Poland in exile, representing Polish emigrants


    Maj. Maria Kowalewska

    Member of the World Association of Home Army Soldiers

    (Światowy Związek Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej)


    and the Association of Soldiers of the National Armed Forces

    (Związek Żołnierzy Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych)


    Lt. Col. Waldemar Kruszyński

    President of Warsaw District of the Freedom and Independence Veterans' Association

    (Zrzeszenie Wolność i Niezawisłość Stowarzyszenie Społeczno-Kombatanckie)


    Mr. Janusz Maksymowicz

    Vice President of the Polish Society of War Veterans and Former Political Prisoners

    (Związek Kombatantów RP i Byłych Więźniów Politycznych)


    Mr. Bogusław Nizieński

    Soldier of the Home Army, Polish lawyer, judge, in 1999-2004 Speaker of Public Interest, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle

    obrembalska śp

    Maj. Jadwiga Obrembalska

    President of the Executive Board of the Association of Former Political Prisoners of the Stalin Era

    (Związek Więźniów Politycznych Okresu Stalinowskiego)


    Capt. Jerzy Pruszyński

    President of the Executive Board of the Association of Young Political Prisoners 1944-1956 „Jaworzniacy”

    (Związek Młodocianych Więźniów Politycznych lat 1944 – 1956 „Jaworzniacy”)

      anna stupnicka bando 2 fot. m. starowieyska 1

    Ms. Anna Stupnicka-Bando

    President of the Polish Association of the Righteous Among the Nations

    (Polskie Towarzystwo Sprawiedliwych Wśród Narodów Świata)


    Prof. Wojciech Wolski

    Association of members of the "Gray Ranks" WW2 scouting organisation

    (Stowarzyszenie Szarych Szeregów)


    Col. Zbigniew Zaborowski PhD

    President of the Polish Association of Peasants' Battalions Soldiers

    (Ogólnopolski Związek Żołnierzy Batalionów Chłopskich)


    Mr. Stanisław Zalewski

    President of the Executive Board of the Polish Association of the Former Political Prisoners of Nazi Prisons and Concentration Camps

    (Związek Byłych Więźniów Politycznych Hitlerowskich Więzień i Obozów Koncentracyjnych)


    Maj. Prof. Leszek Żukowski

    President of the Executive Board of the World Association of Home Army Soldiers

    (Światowy Związek Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej)

    Biuletyn Kombatant

    nr 2 (410) luty 2025



    Z głębokim smutkiem zawiadamiam,

    że 8 lutego 2025 roku zmarła



    Profesor Jadwiga Puzynina



    urodzona 29 stycznia 1928 roku w Rożyszczach, woj. wołyńskie.

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